June 20, 2008

Board Minutes from June 17, 2008


The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Robert Vitrano, Lisa Boccard and Lois de Oliveira.

1. The Minutes for the May 20th meeting were approved.

2. Administrative Report:
a. The Septic tank was pumped in June.
b. Budget -
i a check for $708.00 was approved for termite insurance.
ii. $95.00 a month is paid to set rat traps around the building.
iii. $675.00 was approved to pay for the removal of the two (2) ficus trees at the next to the garage in the garden area.
iv. the chairs around the gazebo will be reupholstered.
v. we need to look for another accountant for the building.
vi. our 2008 budget is on target which means we are in good shape for the first six months on of this year.

3. Committee Reports:
a. Rules and Regulations-We are looking forward to James’ description of common areas

4. Ongoing Business:
a. Comcast rewiring: no news to report
b. Water Proofing and Painting – Lisa will get an estimate for rotten wood replacement around the two (2) main entry doors on the wings of the building from Bud.
c. The stairwell on the south wing of the building was caulked and painted. This month the stairwell on the garden side will get the same treatment.
d. June 21st - Saturday morning Barrios will be coming to service the a/c units of those owners that signed up and dropped off their check.

5. New Business:
We will be discussing the 2009 Budget at the next meeting.

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