September 24, 2008

Board Minutes from September 16, 2008

September 16, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Ari Dispenza, Lois de Oliveira, Kathy Moore, Robert Vitrano, Gilbert Ellis, and Lisa Boccard.

1. The Minutes were not approved at this meeting. We will need to review and approve the minutes for the 6/17/08, 7/15/08, and 9/16/08 meetings at the next meeting. The August meeting had been cancelled.

2. Administrative Reports
i. we are still working to get Comcast to remove the dead cable from the building.
ii. the water proofing and painting has been done around the top of units 11 and 15.
iii. the 10 cushions in the garden were approved to be covered at a cost of $750.00.
iv. the Bar-B-Que will be demolished instead of repaired
v. the gazebo is being replaced since the last one was knocked down.
vi. we will be removing the bamboo next to unit 16 and working with Barrios to level the
slabs there.

3. Committee Reports
i. the 2009 Budget was reviewed and will be voted on at the next meeting. Please plan to attend the October meeting so it can be voted on.

4. Ongoing Business
We have 2 positions on the Board that we are looking to replace by the October meeting. Ari Dispenza and James Quinlan’s terms will be up. Please let the board know if you are interested. We have (1) one new nominee so far, thank you Gilbert Ellis

Please submit your nominations for the board to