November 18, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Jeff Powell, Robert Vitrano and Lois de Oliveira.
1. The Minutes were approved for the 6/17/08, 7/15/08 and 09/16/08 meetings, as both July and October meetings were cancelled.
2. Administrative Reports
i. Cushions are being re-covered.
ii. Bar-Be-Que was removed and the Gazebo was put up by Jeff’s father.
iii. Jeff Powell has offered to level the slabs for $50.00 each
iv. The wedding couple cleaned up promptly after the party October 25th. Everthing
was picked up the Monday after without a complaint.
v. the other dryer in the laundry has gone out and is being replaced at a cost of $320.00
3. Committee Reports
i. the 2009 Budget was voted and approved and we have 1 new board member Gilbert Ellis who will replace Ari Dispenza. James Quinlan has offered to continue on the board at
this time. The new term will start February 1st, and will be for 2 year.
4. Ongoing Business
We need to replace the plants on the north side of the building, between the garden and the building with a regular hedge. Robert Vitrano will give us a price for that.