January 31, 2010

Board Minutes for January 20, 2010


                                                      January 20, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Those in attendance were Gil Ellis, Richard Yousoufian, Cassandra Harrison, Robert Vitrano, Debbie Madsen, Kathy Moore, and Lois de Oliveira.

Reviewed and approved the December 15th Meeting Minutes.

Administrative Report
  1. The side of the building facing the garden has been completely painted.
  2. Jeff has been notified to give us an estimate to finish waterproofing.
  3. A letter will be sent to owners late on their maintenance about placing a lien on the unit.
  4. For a copy of the PGT window permit see Robert or Debbie
  5. The green awning was unanimously approved to be installed above the laundry door.
 Committee Report
  1. We have not heard from Empire Electric about the pending contract.
  2. The website “thegrandconcourse.com” is still a work in progress. Lois will be updating it soon.
  3. Jimmy & Cassandra are both checking on renting the vacant unit.
  4. Jeff will be inspecting unit 11 for any weather related issues.

Property Maintenance
These are things that are on the list to be done at some point. If they have a name by them they have been designated to be done this year.
  1. Fix gate to garden latch – Nick
  2. Waterproof #11/Jeff
  3. Fix garage doors on units 8 and 9/Jeff
  4. Fill in laundry room door with bondo – Nick
  5. Paint garden wall – Jeff/done
  6. Install drain trap underneath unit 5/James Terry - Richard please check on this!
  7. Does unit 3 have a leak???
 New Business
We all welcome Cassandra as a member of the board and the meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the Month.
Gil has offered the association a metal filing cabinet for the office.