The meeting was called to order at 6:15pm. Those in attendance were Gil Ellis, Jimmy Baes, Richard Yousoufian, James Quinlan, Debbie Madsen, Pat Duffy, Mario Persad, and Lois de Oliveira.
Reviewed and approved the February 17th Meeting Minutes.
Administrative Report
1. Mario Persad was unanimously approved by the board as the new buyer for unit 7.
2. There is a $25 charge for every month an owner is not current or partially pays their maintenance fees.
3. Richard will see about replacing the condo flag.
4. James will check with the plumber about the drain trap under unit 6 to keep the septic from backing up there.
Committee Report
1. The website is still a work in progress, Jimmy’s email will be added as the contact for persons wishing to photograph the building.
2. Getting permission to rent unit 11.
Property Maintenance
These are things that are on the list to be done at some point. If they have a name by them they have been designated to be done this year.
a. Fix gate to garden latch – Larry/done
b. Paint garden wall – done
c. Fix garage doors on units 8 and 9
d. Fill in laundry room door with bondo – done
e. Install canopy over laundry door - done
f. Install drain trap underneath unit 6/James Terry - James
g. water damage from last year to units 3, 7, 10, 11, 16 & 18 – Larry/estimate
h. Drain cup for unit nines a/c unit
i. Estimate for a waterproofing unit 11
j. Replace garden canopy – Gil
k. Handrail was replaced on stairwell garden side – done
l. Gutter spout above unit 14 needs to be replaced - Larry
New Business
Retaining a lawyer for association
The tile added to the entryway between units 12 and 16 was paid by the respective owners. Any tile added to a public hallway needs to be matched to this tile and approved by the Board.