November 30, 2010


This is the last meeting in 2010. The meeting was called to order at 6:20pm. Those in attendance were Gil Ellis, Jeff Powell, Robert Vitrano, Kathy Moore and Lois de Oliveira.

Review and approved the October 19th meeting minutes. The previous board members Gil and Lois will remain for another term.

Administrative Report

1. Update on Unit 11 and the repairs.
2. Gil will contact those owners in arrears on their maintenance.
3. Review job description for the Administrative Assistant.

Committee Reports

1. We will get an estimate next year on the elastomeric roof sealant and insulation.
2. The board has decided to keep the new gazebo and set it up in the patio area. The owners will get together to set up the new gazebo. Let us know if anyone can volunteer and/or bring refreshments.
3. The umbrella will be placed on the south side of the building in the grass.
4. It was proposed that we investigate another company to try to reduce screening costs.

Ongoing Business

Property Maintenance – review list
a. Hot foot will be applied to the edge and ridge cap of the roof of the center tower and turret while the exterior waterproofing of the center tower has been put on hold.

New Business

The building in general is in fair repair and the board is acting in good faith to maintain the building and will continue to inspect the building to ensure all units are in good condition. We request unit owners to report to the board any concerns.

1. Late maintenance needs to be discussed regarding the Declaration.
2. Running up/down the stairs during gatherings in the courtyard should be avoided.
3. It is suggested that the lawyer file a lien on unit 11 within 75 days if the unit owner does not rent it.

Projects finished in 2010.
a. A commercial grade umbrella has replaced the gazebo – thanks to Robert
b. Fix gate to garden latch – done
c. Paint garden wall – done
d. Fill in laundry room door with bondo – done
e. Install canopy over laundry door - done
f. Install drain trap underneath unit 6 - done
g. Handrail was replaced on stairwell garden side – done
h. Fix garage doors on units 8 and 9 – done
i. Paint garage doors - done
j. Replaced garbage container this year - done
k. Septic tank pumped – June, July, and August
l. Drain cup for unit nines a/c unit - done
m. Painting of the garden furniture, concrete floor, planters, and umbrella stand - done
n. Replace condo flag –done
o. Hot water heater replaced – done
p. Emergency Repair on drain field – done
q. Repair laundry door again - done
r. Old water damage in 11, 14 and 16 - done
s. Painting of rear entry of units 8 and 9 – on hold
t. Front entry painting of units 5 and 6 – on hold
u. Gutter spout above unit 14 was replaced – Larry
v. Repair leak around chimney above unit 11
w. The estoppel fee will now be $75.00
x. The Atlantic Screening fee is now $75.00