The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Robert Vitrano, and Lois de Oliveira.
1. The Minutes for the April 15th meeting were approved.
2. Administrative Report:
a. Robert Vitrano and Richard Yousoufian will be removing the old cable wiring that is not being used so Comcast can come in and add another drop box for cable, up to 8 cable lines can be used for one box. We will have 3 drop boxes to hookup Comcast cable.
b. Lisa will be calling to have the Septic tank pumped this month.
c. Water Proofing - the flashing on the flat room was re-caulked and the gutters were cleaned in preparation for the hurricane season. Painting - Darryl painted the spiral stairwell and the 2 inside stairwells.
d. Our new detachable For Rent sign will be removed once the report from Atlantic Personnel is returned on Mariel Schier. She will be renting unit 14 board approved pending a favorable report. We will then be adding the “For Sale” sign out front for Ari’s unit 11. “The Al Capone Suite” will be up for sale.
3. Committee Reports:
a. Rules and Regulations - James will present a description of the common areas to the building to try to make it more clear.
4. Ongoing Business:
5. New Business:
a. Policy on Film and Photography - Ideas were discussed regarding a policy on filming in and around the building. It will be discussed further at the next meeting.
b. We will be getting an estimate from Bud to replace rotten wood on the door frames on both front doors of the 2 wings.
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