December 31, 2009
Board Minutes for December 15, 2009
December 15, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, Gil Ellis, Richard Yousoufian, Robert Vitrano, Debbie Madsen, Kathy Moore, and Lois de Oliveira.
Reviewed and approved the November 17th Meeting Minutes.
Administrative Report
1. The north side of the building facing the garden is finished except the top five feet which will be painted next month.
2. The work around the fourth floor can be completed now that we have the key. Owners are notified if access is needed for their unit.
3. Jimmy is checking to see if a vacant unit can be rented for the cost of the maintenance.
4. A letter will be sent to owners who are late with their maintenance about placing a lien on the property.
5. For insurance purposes we will need a copy of the closed permit from PGT for the windows.
6. We have a green awning that could be installed over the laundry room. It will be decided at the next meeting.
Committee Report
1. There is still no written contract with Empire Electric.
2. The website “” is still a work in progress.
Property Maintenance
These are things that are on the list to be done at some point. If they have a name by them they have been designated to be done this year.
1. Fix gate to garden latch - Nick
2. Waterproof #11
3. Fix garage doors on units 8 and 9
4. Fill in laundry room door with bondo - Nick
5. Paint garden wall – Jeff
New Business
New Officers were approved pending the recalculation of the votes and a check of the bylaws. The bylaws state an owner current on the maintenance is eligible to be elected to the board and Cassandra did receive the votes to be on the board. She is currently in the process of bringing her maintenance up to date. Congratulations Cassandra!
Board members have approved Gil Ellis for President and Lois de Oliveira for Secretary.
The signors on the checks are Gil, Jimmy, or Richard.
November 20, 2009
Meeting Minutes for November 17, 2009
November 17, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm. Those in attendance were James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gil Ellis, Robert Vitrano, Debbie Madsen, Kathy Moore, Jeff Powell, and Lois de Oliveira
Reviewed and approved the October 20th meeting minutes.
Administrative Report
1. The north side of the building facing the garden needs paint which the board approved. Jeff is being paid $4500 over the first nine months of 2010 which includes the remainder of the waterproofing bill and this bill. Leaks on the east side of unit 16 will be checked again.
2. The top molding above the laundry room door has been replaced and painted by Nick.
3. Gil will put a notice in the laundry that the unit owners need to clean up after their pets.
Committee Report
1. Jimmy is getting the top floor penthouse key so the waterproofing can be finished there.
2. Gil is working on the contract and outstanding bills from Empire Electric.
3. The website was cancelled but we are holding the domain name “”
Property Maintenance
These are things that are on the list to be done at some point. If they have a name by them they have been designated to be done this year.
Fix gate to garden latch
Pressure clean pavers
Waterproof #11
Fix garage doors on units 8 and 9
Fill in laundry room door with bonzo - Nick
Paint garden wall – Jeff
New Tenant
Melissa Cala was approved for unit #9.
New Business
The 2010 budget was approved. The Officers were approved pending a recalculation of the votes and a check of the bylaws. Gill will let the board know if we have a 75% approval and if there are any bylaws pertaining to new board members. Welcome Debbie to the Condo Association and she is doing an excellent job!
October 31, 2009
Budget Board Minutes for 10/20/09
Reviewed and approved the 08/18/09, updated 09/22/09 and updated 10/07/09 meeting minutes.
Administrative Report
1. The waterproofing is pending a key to the top penthouse. Jimmy will call to get the key.
2. Empire Electric is working on the contract to include the alarm, emergency calls, and fire inspection for $85.60 per month. We’re still pending a decision on previous bills from them.
3. The website will be cancelled by the end of the year.
4. Nova Casualty Insurance (hazard) has been advised that we passed this year’s fire inspection for their records.
5. We are unable to get a credit card for emergencies at this time.
Committee Report
Lois will try to move the website to a free host. If anyone has any ideas please let her know. Her phone number is 786 942-5382.
Ongoing Business
New Business
1. Adoption of the 2010 Budget by the owners
2. Approval of candidates for the Board of Directors
October 12, 2009
2010 Budget Meeting for October 7, 2009
October 7, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gil Ellis, Robert Vitrano, Lisa Boccard, and Lois de Oliveira
Administrative Report
1. Line Items discussed at the meeting were the waterproofing and fees for contacting Empire. Waterproofing will be paid half this year and half out of the 2010 budget, and we are still pending a written contract with Empire Electric to avoid incurring charges for emergency calls. Richard Yousoufian in unit 16 or Robert Vitrano in unit 7 are who should be contacting Empire should an emergency arise.
2. As of October 1st the rent for garage #8 is being paid directly to the condo association as
we have not received maintenance for it and unit 11 since last December. The foreclosure should be resolved within the next six months.
3. We are unable to get a better price for the propane to heat water. Solar water would be a feasible idea but we feel it is not in the budget for this year.
4. Item Cut: We won’t have a website anymore because it is going to be cut.
5. The Association needs to be able to enter any unit in case of emergencies. Make sure we have a copy of your key.
6. The budget will be ready by the next board meeting be prepared to discuss any issues you may have.
Board nominations are open until October 20th. If you have any contingencies for being on the board, let us know what we can do to accommodate you. Our monthly meeting does not last longer than one hour and if you cannot make the Tuesday and prefer another day of the week please send a request.
September 30, 2009
Board Minutes for September 22, 2009
September 22, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, Gil Ellis, Robert Vitrano, Debbie Madsen, Kathy Moore, and Lois de Oliveira.
Minutes were approved for September 8, 2009. At the next meeting we will review the August 18th minutes.
Administrative Report
Committee Reports
1. Waterproofing will be updated next month.
2. Propane is still an ongoing issue.
3. Jimmy Baes is still working on the line of credit.
4. Gill is working with Empire regarding the contract.
5. Garbage fees for next year are still in question.
Ongoing Business
The tenant in Garage 9 will be paying his rent to GCC for the next six months or until the bank decides to sell or foreclose on the unit.
New Business
The Budget will be worked on at the October 7th workshop.
Debbie Madsen was voted in as the new Administrative Assistant.
Nominations: Anyone wishing to be on the Board for 2010 may send an email. Jimmy Baes has been the president for two years and we’re looking for a volunteer to replace him.
September 14, 2009
Board Minutes for September 8, 2009
September 8, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gil Ellis, Robert Vitrano, Lisa Boccard, and Lois de Oliveira
Administrative Report
1. Richard will post the Agenda in the Laundry 48 hours before the monthly meetings.
2. Budget Items discussed at the meeting were payment of legal fees, waterproofing, and Empire for the fire inspection and smoke detectors.
3. Filing a Voluntary Demand Form for rent from Garage 8.
4. Lisa and Gill will conference to get a written contract with Empire.
5. Lisa will call City Hall to get an update on garbage fees for 2010.
6. Gill is pursuing the gas companies to get a better price since our bill has increased so much.
Anyone wishing to be on the Board for 2010 may send an email.
Jimmy Baes and Richard have been on the board two years. Gil Ellis and James have served one year each. If you would like to nomination anyone for the position or if you are interested,
August 31, 2009
Board Minutes for August 18, 2009
August 18, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:13pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gil Ellis, Robert Vitrano, Kathy Moore.
The Minutes for July 21 were approved as written.
Administrative Reports
Committee Reports
Waterproofing and painting is continuing on the outside of the building. There are also repairs being addressed on the south roof.
The 4th floor door is installed but needs some additional work to keep out the water.
The fire alarm has been repaired and should be working properly. Jimmy Baes, Richard Yousoufian, and Gil Ellis will be added as the first 3 contacts for fire alarm.
Gil is getting estimates to try to reduce our cost on gas from l and a backup offer from Miami Water Heater for the cost of a tank installed.
Jimmy will be pursuing a line of credit and credit card for building emergencies.
Ongoing Business
The sealing of the flat roof has been postponed until later.
New Business
The board will meet separately to discuss the Budget. We need to update current information for the budget.
We need a new Board president since Jimmy Baes has served his two years term.
July 31, 2009
Board Minutes for July 21, 2009
July 21, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:15pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Lisa Boccard, Robert Vitrano, Jeff Powel, Kathy Moore, and
Lois de Oliveira.
The Minutes for May 19 were approved as written. No meeting was held in June.
Administrative Reports
The new Fire Alarm Contract that has been put in place with Empire Electric will include an annual fire inspection as required by Miami-Dade County, smoke detectors will be maintained, exit signs will be lit 24/7, and the Alarm will be monitored by a call center.
A steel jam door was approved to be installed on the fourth floor to separate the two stairwells as a fire precaution. Rewiring of the alarm system was done due to the water intrusion in that area. That should keep the alarm from going off at random.
The septic tank was pumped out in June.
Committee Reports
The tile on the (first floor) interior entry of the south wing (the entry with the door) has been postponed until a later time.
Waterproofing and painting is continuing on the outside of the building. Remember in your own unit everyone is responsible for the interior wall plumbing.
Gil will get an estimate from Amerigas, Teco Gas, and FPL to have them connect us to a natural gas line or to get a better price for bottled gas, and a backup offer from Miami Water Heater for the cost of a tank installed.
Jimmy will check if we can get a line of credit from Bank of America.
Ongoing Business
1. Jeff Powell will submit a proposal to seal the north side flat roof.
2. A lien has been filed for back maintenance on unit 11. There has been some interest in the unit through the bank.
3. Please make sure a prospective tenant adheres to a credit check.
4. Adding greenery in front of the building will be budgeted for next year.
May 23, 2009
Board Minutes for May 19, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:20pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Gilbert Ellis, Lois de Oliveira, and Jeff Powell.
1. The Minutes for March 17 & April 21 were approved as written.
2. Administrative Reports
3. Committee Reports
a) The tile on the (first floor) interior entry of the south wing (the entry with the door) will be installed before the next meeting.
b) Several areas of the building have been identified and will be repaired with concerns to the gutters and waterproofing. Unit owners are responsible for the plumbing inside their unit.
c) Gil will get an estimate from Teco Peoples Gas to have them connect us to a natural gas line and a backup offer from Miami Water Heater for the cost of a tank installed.
d) Instead of painting only behind the hedge, the whole side of the building will be painted after the roof and repairs are done.
e) The water pump on the property will be left as is considering it may not be cost effective.
4. Ongoing Business
James is trying to get a better price for the flat roof painting before it being approved. Jeff Powell has offered to seal the flat roof for $3800.00 with a longer warranty on the project than the previous bid. Nothing has been decided yet.
5. New Business
a) The lien has been filed for back maintenance on unit 11. There has been a lot of interest in the unit and an offer has been presented as far as we know.
b) The bushes will be trimmed away from the building. We need ideas about adding greenery in front of the building.
c) It has been brought up again that a guest living at the building for longer than a week needs to be approved same as a new tenant. Please make sure the prospective tenant adheres to a credit check.
d) The septic tank will be pumped out in August.
e) We won’t meet in June but we will meet the 2nd week of July.
April 30, 2009
Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gilbert Ellis, and Robert Vitrano.
1. The 3/17/09 Minutes were not approved because a copy was not furnished.
2. Administrative Reports
a) $400.00 was approved for terracotta tile to be added to the (first floor) interior entry of the south wing (the entry with the door).
b) Jeff Powell will be cleaning and repairing the gutters where needed.
c) The solar hot water project and palm trees have been deferred to a later date due to budget constraints.
3. Committee Reports
a) James is trying to get a better price for the flat roof painting before it being approved.
4. Ongoing Business
The non-working water pump on the property will be checked out next month.
5. New Business
A lien was filed for unpaid Maintenance fees since January for unit 11.
March 30, 2009
Board Minutes from March 17, 2009
March 17, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, Richard Yousoufian, Gilbert Ellis, Robert Vitrano, and Lois de Oliveira.
1. The Minutes were approved for the 2/17/09 meeting.
2. Administrative Reports
3. Committee Reports
a) Terracotta tile between units 12 and 16 (first floor inside entry) has been done and looks great. Anyone wishing to check it out please do so and send us an email before the April 21st meeting.
b) Painting should be completed this month behind our new hedge.
c) Richard asked about replacing both: sidewalk around the building, and our rusty dumpster. Village Hall advised him sidewalk replacement and dumpsters are not in the budget this year.
d) Robert advised 25 gallon royal palms with a 6 foot trunk plus palm fronds would be about $175.00 each plus delivery.
4. Ongoing Business
5. New Business
a. Under Budget review
I. For our next water heater replacement coming up in a couple of years, an estimate has come in to replace gas with solar hot water. The estimate is for $27,990.00 and would be warranted for 10 years for workmanship and covered materials. That would reduce our monthly $350.00 gas bill.
II. An estimate to paint the north wing flat roof with 4 coats of white ceramic roof paint was proposed for $3,850.00 to make it more weather resistant.
b. Maintenance arrears status to be discussed at next meeting.
c. Gilbert will check on the pump in the NE corner of the property in light of the dry grass this time of year.
February 21, 2009
Board Minutes from February 17, 2009
February 17, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were Jimmy Baes, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gilbert Ellis, Robert Vitrano, and Lois de Oliveira, and Lisa Boccard.
1. The Minutes were approved for the 1/20/09 meeting.
2. Administrative Reports
a) Robert will get a proposal for 25 gallon potted Royal Palms for the building as taller Palms are too expensive.
3. Committee Reports
a) Richard Yousoufian reported there is still no other cable company in our area and would keep us posted. In the meantime, Robert cleaned some dead cable off the north side of the building behind our new hedge.
b) Richard and Gilbert will have the terracotta sample done between units 12 and 16 by next month.
c) Gilbert will paint the wall behind the Pittosporum by next meeting.
d) Richard checked with Rheem and any Authorized Rheem dealer could service the units, if not Barrios, to maintain their 5 year warranty which should start expiring by the end of this year.
4. Ongoing Business
Remember, according to the new condo law effective January 1 all unit owners are required to carry a hazard policy including the $2000 special assessment coverage. The association must be named an additional insured and loss payee on all casualty insurance policies. Make sure the association gets a copy of your policy.
5. New Business
Although Ari’s unit is being actively shown, we will be contacting a lawyer in light of foreclosure proceedings. I will update our website with Ari’s unit “For Sale” along with his phone number.
Richard will contact the city to see about getting more of our sidewalk replaced.
January 30, 2009
Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2009
January 20, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:14pm. Those in attendance were James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gilbert Ellis, Robert Vitrano, and Lois de Oliveira.
1. The Minutes were approved for the 12/16/08.
2. Administrative Reports
i. The laundry/office was transferred to the Association.
ii. Robert Vitrano has planted on the north side of the building a hedge of Variegated Pittosporum between the hot water heater and the north stairwell on the garden side.
iii. Gilbert offered to paint the wall behind the new hedge.
iv. Next month Robert will propose a price for the Royal Palms on the front and south sides of the property.
v. There was a broken water pipe above unit 7 that was repaired. We need to access the amount of galvanized pipe that has not been replaced and set up a fund in the 2010 Budget to update to galvanized copper, mostly between floors.
3. Committee Reports
i. For the next meeting Richard will check with Rheem if we need to rely on Barrios
for A/C servicing.
ii. Richard Yousoufian is investigating AT&T’s U-Verse for the building.
iii. According to the new condo law effective January 1 all unit owners (garages included) are required to carry a hazard policy on their unit, the policy will include the $2000 special assessment coverage. The association must be named an additional insured and loss payee on all casualty insurance policies. Make sure the association has a copy of your policy.
4. Ongoing Business
Ari’s unit is being actively shown and is the only unit in the building for sale.
5. New Business
The entry between units 12 and 16 (only the first floor) will be replaced with a terracotta looking tile. This will be a sample area to get an idea of the cost and look of replacing the entryways. Richard and Gill Ellis will be in charge of the sample area between their units.