January 30, 2009

Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:14pm. Those in attendance were James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Gilbert Ellis, Robert Vitrano, and Lois de Oliveira.

1. The Minutes were approved for the 12/16/08.

2. Administrative Reports
i. The laundry/office was transferred to the Association.
ii. Robert Vitrano has planted on the north side of the building a hedge of Variegated Pittosporum between the hot water heater and the north stairwell on the garden side.
iii. Gilbert offered to paint the wall behind the new hedge.
iv. Next month Robert will propose a price for the Royal Palms on the front and south sides of the property.
v. There was a broken water pipe above unit 7 that was repaired. We need to access the amount of galvanized pipe that has not been replaced and set up a fund in the 2010 Budget to update to galvanized copper, mostly between floors.

3. Committee Reports
i. For the next meeting Richard will check with Rheem if we need to rely on Barrios
for A/C servicing.
ii. Richard Yousoufian is investigating AT&T’s U-Verse for the building.
iii. According to the new condo law effective January 1 all unit owners (garages included) are required to carry a hazard policy on their unit, the policy will include the $2000 special assessment coverage. The association must be named an additional insured and loss payee on all casualty insurance policies. Make sure the association has a copy of your policy.

4. Ongoing Business
Ari’s unit is being actively shown and is the only unit in the building for sale.

5. New Business
The entry between units 12 and 16 (only the first floor) will be replaced with a terracotta looking tile. This will be a sample area to get an idea of the cost and look of replacing the entryways. Richard and Gill Ellis will be in charge of the sample area between their units.

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