August 31, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Those in attendance were Gil Ellis, James Quinlan, Richard Yousoufian, Debbie Madsen, Robert Vitrano, and Lois de Oliveira.

The budget will not include the garbage as it will be added to the owner’s property tax bill.
Additional sources of income
1. Background fee increase was approved from $55.00 to $75.00 by a majority vote.
2. Increase washer prices was discussed.

Even though we replaced the hot water tank and repaired the drain field this year we hope to not raise the maintenance. Next year we intend to coat the roof with the elastomeric.

We are waiting to hear from anyone wishing to be on the board.

Committee report
1. Check service call of 1 hour on alarm system – Debbie
2. Richard will talk to Ari about renting unit 11
3. Check out sanitation bill - Gil
4. Lawyer charges $180.00 an hour. Unit 11 foreclosed in Sept 2009 and Mr. Frischer will put in a motion to expedite, he will hurry the bank on coming to a conclusion in the foreclosure so the unit can be sold.

2011 Budget review

Citizens bill will be divide into four payments.
5% increase for landscaping and administration fees
White fly spraying has been done once a year for the last 2 years

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